From the 14th of July to the 13th of August the exhibition entitled “ЖИВОПИСЬ” (“Painting”) takes place in the Museum of Modern Art, which united three very different but close to each other by spirit artists – Aida Mahmudova, Farid Rasulov and Niyaz Najafov.
They are connected with traditions of Absheron painting school, their visual language goes with roots to the universal culture. They all have something in common, and still they stay different. Each of the artists have a unique style, their own recognizable image structure, each canvas keeps a unique emotional experience – impossible to confuse.
Aida Mahmudova creates multilayered artworks, she is interested in the subject of memory and subconscious. Her works catch the eye, and here is the viewer unwittingly looking deep into himself, experiencing the most painful situations, hidden deep down in subconscious, just like during therapist’s session. Created by the power of imagination, these multi-colored worlds, simple and complex at the same time, are full of special cosines and comfort.
The native of Shusha, Farid Rasulov creates on the edge of hyperrealism – and still his paintings have something from works of Dutch painters which are full of joy and pleasure of life.
The expressive and bright painting of Niyaz Najafov pulls towards itself like a magnet. It has no optimism, but it’s full of irony, sarcasm and even the elements of dark humour – this expression in many ways reflects author’s life philosophy. All the characters are manifested distinctly and clearly, all feelings are sharpened. “Soul like a peach with peeled skin”. Illustrated as something horrible and off-putting or something beautiful and adorable.
Furthermore, daughter of Aida Mahmudova Soraya also took part at the exhibition. She applied volume and colour to express her outlook – from joyful paintings to complex ball of controversial emotions, curved shapes and multiple layers.
Not only searching for new meanings and the reflection to exciting topics of the artists merge all these works but the sincere admiration of the subject and the striving to convey this attitude to a viewer. Generally this exhibition represents an actual vision of modern painting, research of its expressive opportunities, especially on the background of the increased popularity of multimedia technologies which are already used in the museums.
The exhibition can be visited at the Museum of Modern Art till 13 August every day except Monday. Working Hours: 11:00 am – 8:00 pm.
Photo by Parviz Gasimzadeh